
Autumn Mason

Autumn Mason is a Certified Doula and a Peer Support Professional with a focus on supporting families impacted by the Criminal Justice system. She serves justice involved families by educating, supporting and advocating for them to have a healthy and equitable opportunity to grow and prosper beyond their experiences with the criminal justice system. 

She stepped into this work as a part of her own healing journey after experiencing the trauma of incarceration, family separation and prison birth. In her work she has had the opportunity to work with many local corrections and community organizations such as the MN Department of Corrections, MN Second Chance Coalition, Ramsey County Reducing Revocations Advisory Committee and was recently appointed chair for the Task Force for Justice Involved Women and Girls. 

Autumn also has some experience with policy change in MN when she testified for the Legislature in 2014 in support of the Anti-Shackling Bill and to support the Healthy Start Act, which was passed in May of 2021. 

Autumn has been trained and certified in Peer Recovery Support, Harm Reduction, PREA Sexual Trauma, and lactation. She is a public speaker, social change agent and a certified Life Coach and Family Trauma Professional. Autumn is the proud mother of four kids and two fur babies.