Thaisan Nguon

Thaisan and his family are survivors of the Cambodian genocide (1975-79) that saw over 3 million lives lost. He grew up in Long Beach, CA and is the second oldest of 10 siblings. He was formerly sentenced to Life Without the Possibility of Parole (LWOP) until his sentence was commuted in December 2018. He is a member of the National LWOP Leadership Council, an organization committed to ending LWOP sentences; and closely aligned with immigrants rights organizations like South East Asian Freedom Network (SEAFN), an organization committed to ending the inhumane practice of separating families through current US immigration policies. Thaisan strives to #EndLWOP and keep families together because he has been directly impacted by that sentence and US immigration policy, respectively, and believes in second chances.


Tabatha Trammell


Adam Solorzano