Letters of Support/Opposition

S. 1014  (Federal) – The First Step Implementation Act grants sentencing review after 20 years to individuals prosecuted in the federal criminal justice system who are serving life and de facto life without parole sentences for crimes they committed as children.

  • Position: Supporting

  • AB 124 (California) – the Justice for Survivors Act supports survivors of violence, including human trafficking, intimate partner violence, and sexual violence, by providing trauma-informed sentencing relief and trial advocacy considerations.

    • Position: Supporting

  • AB 1007 (California) – Compensation for Survivors of Forced or Involuntary Sterilization Act is a bill that would provide reparations to survivors of forced sterilization under California’s eugenics laws from 1909 to 1979; and survivors of involuntary sterilizations in women’s state prisons after 1979.

    • Position: Supporting

  • AB 1597 (California) – Reinstates a provision of law that was repealed by Proposition 47 that provides that a person who has been convicted 3 or more times of petty theft, grand theft, or other specified crimes and who is subsequently convicted of petty theft is subject to imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or in a county jail for 18 months or 2 or 3 years.

    • Position: Opposing

  • AB 1599 (California) – Repeals the changes and additions made by Proposition 47, except those related to reducing the penalty for possession of concentrated cannabis. Reduces the value threshold for a violation of those provisions to be punishable as a felony from specified amount to specified amount. Reduces the value threshold for committing grand theft under those provisions from specified amount to specified amount. Provides for the submission of this measure to the voters for approval at the next statewide general election.

    • Position: Opposing

  • AB 1603 (California) – Amends Proposition 47 by reducing the threshold amount for petty theft and shoplifting from a certain amount. Provides that it shall become effective only when submitted to, and approved by, the voters of the State.

    • Position: Opposing

    1. SB 81 (California) – Requires a court to dismiss an enhancement if it is in the furtherance of justice to do so. Creates a presumption that it is in the furtherance of justice to dismiss an enhancement in specified circumstances. States that this presumption is only overcome upon a showing by clear and convincing evidence that dismissal of the enhancement would endanger public safety. 

      • Position: Supporting

    2. SB 731 (California) – Adopts a structured, automated approach to sealing conviction records: automated sealing of all arrest records that do not result in a conviction, and sealing of conviction records following completion of sentence and a period of two years without any new felony convictions

      • Position: Supporting


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